Monday, April 25, 2011

Extra Credit Paper #1 (CHI 2010 #9)

Title: There's Methodology in the Madness: Toward Critical HCI Ethnography
Authors: Amanda Williams, Lilly Irani
Venue: CHI 2010, Atlanta, Georgia

This paper details some of the problems found in qualitative data collection from current ethnographies, and suggests more generalized approaches than those currently used. The complication in rhetoric of the user and the expansion of field sites that widen the scope of HCI and the issues these topics raise are also discussed as new developments within HCI.

The authors also discuss how the boundaries of field sites have changed, and ethnographers have taken on a more direct invasive approach recently. To address this, they propose that the criteria for ethnographies be revaluated. Below is one of the models for ethnographic research discussed in the paper:

While I wasn't terribly interested in the topic itself, I think the author's work is imporant. Certainly any time you feel that the validity of research in your field is being compromised you should speak out and do your best to address it. This paper might have been more interesting to read had I done so before our ethnography this semester.

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