Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paper Reading #6: A Multi-Touch Enabled Steering Wheel


Title: A multi-touch enabled steering wheel: exploring the design space
Author: Max Pfeiffer and 5 others
Venue: CHI 2010, April 12-13

The article details the author's design for a multi-touch steering wheel. This means that the steering wheel is intended to serve multiple functions, namely allow the user to interact with the car radio or computer system without taking their hands off of the steering wheel. A camera was used for the multi-touch tracking, while a projector mounted in the steering wheel column was used to display an interface onto the acrylic glass surface of the prototype steering wheel.

I liked the idea behind this article. Unlike most of the other articles I have read, I feel like this project has real application, and related directly to CHI. While the prototype used in this article does of course have serious shortcomings, such as structural integrity, these are things that would be quickly sorted out by manufacturers if the design ever made it into industry. To some degree however, making the steering wheel purely electronic would be a mistake, as this vastly increases the number of points of failure for the system. The proposed system would need to undergo an absolutely huge amount of testing.

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