Monday, April 25, 2011

Extra Credit Paper #5 (CHI 2010 #13)

Title: Tangible Video Bubbles
Authors: Kimiko Ryokai, Hayes Raffle, Hiroshi Horii, and Yotam Mann
Venue: CHI 2010

Tangible Video Bubbles is an interface for children that allows for video recording manipulation. The interface is intended to be both fun and instructive, by helping to stimulate the understanding of semantics. Videos are recorded, and then displayed on a screen, where they can be repositioned and played back to the user through interaction with a ball. As the video is displayed in a bubble on the screen, it resembles the shape of the ball. Speed and position within the recorded clip can be controlled by various manipulations on the ball, such as squeezing.

This is an interesting concept, and certainly very innovative. It would be interesting to incorporate some other type of visuals in the display, such as perhaps graphically displaying audio recorded by the child. Children could then manipulate the words and letters to play some type of game. The existing system is still very good though, and could be useful in enhancing basic intelligence in children.

1 comment:

  1. I like that they are trying to make learning more interesting so children don't get so bored.
